Matteo La Torre


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Matteo La Torre è Ricercatore Senior (RTDb) in Economia aziendale (SECS-P/07) presso il Dipartimento di Economia dell'Università "G. d'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara, dove ha conseguito il Dottorato di ricerca in “Economics & Business”. È stato visiting research scholar presso la Macquarie University di Sydney.

Svolge attività di ricerca sui temi della rendicontazione di sostenibilità e non finanziaria d’impresa, con particolare riferimento al sustainability reporting, l'integrated reporting, l’intellectual capital, l’information security e le digital technologies. È attualmente membro dell’Editorial Board delle riviste Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Meditari Accountancy Research e Management Control.

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Peer-review journal articles

  1. de Villiers, C., Dimes, R., La Torre, M. and Molinari, M. (2024), "The International Sustainability Standards Board’s (ISSB) past, present, and future: critical reflections and a research agenda", Pacific Accounting Review, Vol. 36 No. 2, pp. 255-273.
  2. Di Tullio, P., La Torre, M., Rea, M.A., Guthrie, J. and Dumay, J. (2023), "Beyond the planetary boundaries: exploring pluralistic accountability in the new space age", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal.
  3. Sabelfeld, S., Dumay, J., & La Torre, M. (2023) "Adapting integrated reporting through the stages of local rationalisation", Accounting Forum, ISSN: 0155-9982. 
  4. de Villiers, C., La Torre, M., Botes, V. (2022) "Accounting and social capital - A review and reflections on future research opportunities", Accounting and Finance, ISSN: 1467-629X.
  5. de Villiers, C., La Torre, M., Molinari, M. (2022) "The Global Reporting Initiative’s (GRI) past, present and future: critical reflections and a research agenda on sustainability reporting (standard-setting)", Pacific Accounting Review.
  6. La Torre, M., Di Tullio, P., Tamburro, P., Massaro, M. and Rea, M.A. (2022), "Calculative practices, social movements and the rise of collective identity: how #istayathome mobilised a nation", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 35 No. 9, pp. 1-27 
  7. Di Tullio, P., La Torre M. (2022) "Sustainability Reporting at a Crossroads in Italian Universities: Is Web-Based Media Adoption Deinstitutionalising Sustainability Reporting?", Administrative Science, Vol. 12, No. 1:34. 
  8. Di Tullio P., La Torre M., Dumay J., Rea M. (2021) “Accountingisation and the narrative (re)turn of business model information in corporate reporting”, Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change, ISSN: 1832-5912,
  9. Di Tullio P, La Torre M, Rea MA. Social Media for Engaging and Educating: From Universities’ Sustainability Reporting to Dialogic Communication. Administrative Sciences. 2021; 11(4):151. 
  10. La Torre M., Botes V., Dumay J., Olderemn, E. (2021). Protecting a new Achilles heel: The role of auditors within the teleoaffective structure of data protection. Managerial Auditing Journal, Vol. 36 No.2, pp. 218-239. 
  11. La Torre M., Sabelfeld S., Blomkvist M. & Dumay, J. (2020). Rebuilding trust: sustainability and non-financial reporting and the European Union regulation, Meditari Accountancy Research, Vol. 28 No. 5, pp. 701-725. 
  12. La Torre, M., Dumay, J., Rea, M. A., & Abhayawansa, S. (2020). A journey towards a safe harbour: The rhetorical process of the International Integrated Reporting Council. The British Accounting Review, 52(2), 100836 
  13. Dumay, J., La Torre, M., & Farneti, F. (2019). Developing trust through stewardship: Implications for intellectual capital, integrated reporting, and the EU Directive 2014/95/EU. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 20(1), 11–39.
  14. La Torre, M., Sabelfeld, S., Blomkvist, M., Tarquinio, L., & Dumay, J. (2018). Harmonising non-financial reporting regulation in Europe: Practical forces and projections for future research. Meditari Accountancy Research, 26(4), 598–621.
  15. La Torre, M., Valentinetti, D., Dumay, J., & Rea, M. A. (2018). Improving corporate disclosure through XBRL: An evidence-based taxonomy structure for Integrated Reporting. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 19(2), 338–366.
  16. La Torre, M., Dumay, J., & Rea, M. A. (2018). Breaching intellectual capital: critical reflections on Big Data security. Meditari Accountancy Research, 26(3), 463–482.
  17. La Torre, M., Botes, V. L., Dumay, J., Rea, M. A., & Odendaal, E. (2018). The fall and rise of intellectual capital accounting: new prospects from the Big Data revolution. Meditari Accountancy Research, 26(3), 381–399.
  18. Dumay, J., Bernardi, C., Guthrie, J., & La Torre, M. (2017). Barriers to implementing the International Integrated Reporting Framework. Meditari Accountancy Research, 25(4), 461–480.
  19. Rea, M. A., & La Torre, M. (2014). Il ciclo di gestione della performance nelle Camere di Commercio: approcci e livelli di compliance. Rivista Italiana Di Ragioneria e Di Economia Aziendale, 114(4/5/6), 160–176.

Book chapters

  • La Torre M., Lucchese M., Mancini D. (2021) “Human Capital Vulnerability and Cybersecurity Risk Management: An Integrated Approach”. In: Chiucchi M.S., Lombardi R., Mancini D. (eds) Intellectual Capital, Smart Technologies and Digitalization. SIDREA Series in Accounting and Business Administration. Springer, Cham. pp. 171-182. 
  • La Torre M., Lucchese M. (2020). Cyber security, impatto sul sistema aziendale e sulla governance. In: Lombardi Rosa; Chiucchi Maria Serena; Mancini Daniela. "SMART TECHNOLOGIES, DIGITALIZZAZIONE E CAPITALE INTELLETTUALE: SINERGIE E OPPORTUNITÀ". pp. 203-219, Franco Angeli, ISBN: 9788835103578
  • Guthrie, J., La Torre, M. (2020). "Integrated reporting adoption with no substantial change: a case study of a large chemical producer", in C. de Villiers, P. K. Hsiao, & W. Maroun (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Integrated Reporting (1st Edition). Routledge.
  • La Torre, M., Bernardi, C., Guthrie, J., Dumay, J (2019), “Integrated reporting and integrated thinking: Practical challenges”, in S. Arvidsson (Ed), Challenges with Managing Sustainable Businesses, Palgrave, London.

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